I managed to successfully install the rear lines last weekend, flushed with ATE Blue and had a great pedal, but the fronts didn't go as smoothly. When I disconnected the hardline more fluid came out than I was expecting (slow drip, but it added up).

I bled with the Motiv bleeder, then followed up with 5-6 pumps using the manual method, and the pedal was mushy. Flowed more through with the pressure bleeder and got some air out of the driver-side front, but the pedal's still far from firm.

I know if I got air into the ABS/DSC valves then I have to take it to someone with the MoDIC. My plan right now is to do more manual bleeding with the pedal tonight and see if I can get the air out.

Any advice on what I can do tonight to fix this?

Thanks a ton,