Dear BMW CCA Foundation and Street Survival Supporter:
Thought I bring you up to date on one of the special Street Survival® schools that we held this past year. At the request of Consumer Reports®, the BMW CCA Foundation held one of the Tire Rack Street Survival schools at its automotive test facilities in rural Connecticut. The TRSS school was hosted by the BMW CCA Connecticut Valley Chapter and attended by 37 area students.
Consumer Reports produced a 3 minute video of the day-long CR Tire Rack Street Survival school and it can be found on our all NEW Street Survival web site. Just scroll down the page and click on the imbedded movie. The movie provides a good description of the school and an excellent demonstration by the Connecticut State Police of their “seat belt convincer.” In addition to normal TRSS exercises, the students also experienced ‘distracted driving’ exercises (cell phones, etc.) and an air bag opening at 300 mph! Watch the video – it is impressive and may be a link you’ll want to send to a friend.
A gentle reminder that the 2011 Fall Sponsorship Drive, which provides support for all of the Street Survival schools, will be closing just after Christmas which is almost upon us! Drawing entries are $25 for 1, $50 for 3 ($16.67 ea), and $100 for 7 ($14.29 ea). There are bonus FREE entries for additional purchases; for example, it is possible to purchase drawing entries for less than $12 each, lowering the odds of winning that new car for such a purchase to less than 1 in 170! (see website below) The odds of winning with the purchase of 1 entry are 1 in 8,500. You may use credit cards or download the mail-in form to purchase.
I hope that you enjoy the video and will consider supporting Street Survival by purchasing a drawing entry. Also, since the end of the year is rapidly approaching, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Foundation.
Thank you,
Leo Newland, President