Had a lot of fun today at the Audi Experience held at Summit Point. Here are some write-ups and pics on our long day.

For a FREE event, it was very well organized, well attended, and well worth it. This event was showcasing the all-new A4, but you could tell who Audi was trying to imitate

Quite a few BMWs in the parking lot and lots of eye candy (cars only). We got about 10 hard laps in both the A4 and another Audi of your choice. There was also a competition segment where we compared the A4 against a BMW 328xi, Lexus 250 AWD, and Mercedes C300 4Matic on a short autocross course (I thought the BMW and Audi were the best handling, in that order).

Not much in terms of food (water, sodas, tea, coffee, cookies, fruit) or giveaways (hat and head sock), but still, for a FREE event, we had a great time. The best part however, was the spirited drive to and from Summit in my M Roady
