Am I the only one that thinks that the MD socials far outweigh (2:1) the VAs? Initially I heard there were to be 2 in MD and 2 in VA but that VA was lagging behind. Then I heard that it had been limited to 3; considering that, and the HUGE turnout at the last VA social, why can't this be alternated from state to state? 2 in MD one month, 2 in VA the next, and so forth.

Since I now work in VA (and plan to move here later in the year), I can no longer get to the MD socials that are in Columbia. It wasn't quite so bad getting to Green Turtle but, my route to Houlihan's would be I95 (at rush hour). I fight enough traffic just going home from work. Plus, I met some great folks, at the VA social, that were from Leesburg -- I can assure you that Columbia is totally out of the question for them.

Just a suggestion (Paul)...... Anyone else (on the VA side) want to weigh in on this?