
I'm a new bmwcca member, although I have owned my 2000 328ci daily driver for the last 11 years. It was suggested to me to post my issue here. I'm having an issue where my car won't pass the Maryland Emissions Test. The test error code is:

99999 Too many OBD monitors are not ready on multiple attempts

It was suggested to me by the testing facility manager to drive the car more so that it will populate the OBD monitors, however, I've been going back every month for the past 6 months and I keep getting the same fail error.

Prior to this issue, I was experiencing a no-crank, no-start condition which I diagnosed as a problem with the DME not staying in sync with the EWS. I purchased a replacement paired DME and EWS, installed them, but still had the same no-crank, no-start condition. At the time, the person who supplied me with the replacement DME/EWS recommended that I reinstall the original DME/EWS as he had set my original DME as "EWS off test." Since reinstalling the old DME/EWS (that was three years ago), I haven't had any starting issues.

I'm now wondering if my original no-crank, no-start condition is somehow related to my new emissions test issue.

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts that you would have about this issue.

Thank you in advance,