Well, I think a lot of us would like to become "faster" and "smoother" as an autocross driver. I thought it would be a neat "idea" to use one car -- and have MANY drivers take that car and drive it around the autocross course.

Sometimes, it is hard to compare cars against each other since they are set up differently. Thus, if "x" person says stomp brake here; maybe in your car that will not work.

I would be willing to offer my car up for this. I think it would be a good training tool. For instance, JV and Glenn drove my car this past weekend. JV got a 43.9 and glenn got a 44.0. So, very close to each other in times. Plus, if other people drove it, they could see what times the car was capable of getting ... and by driving the same car ... they could see how far behind or how close they would be.

What do you guys think?

p.s. -- making the offer to use my car not for someone to joyride and see how much they can use TOO ... but, more as a training tool ...