Perfect ... You've just made my life 100x easier.
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I was thinking about that. Would it work to registration/payment and tech in the same line? I would guess that would make it quicker for the participants at least. You could have tech pencil in the number of the car on that little dot sticker so the participant wont forget. But I'm just speculating and thought I'd give my to cents worth :)
That sounds nice, however it most likely would be a logistical nightmare. Our computers must retain a physical link to the timing lights, etc. and are necessary for registration.
Tech / Registration need to be physically separated. I've never seen a successful drive through registration. Plus, the cycle time to collect funds, verify membership, enter registration information into the timing software and tech a car before serving the next person would be atleast 3-4 minutes per car. At that rate, it would take around 3 hours to register all the people just for the first session.
Having two independent teams allows for quick registration and quicker tech inspection.
Now, we could do like the SCCA does and have the participants number written on the course map / tech form - however, this adds an additional load to the person handling registration, and will slow down the process.
As far as a management perspective, we can try to refine the process, however, in my opinion, we should not try to reinvent the wheel.
Both tech inspection and registration could go ALOT quicker if we had sufficient volunteers to help with each. This past weekend, we had very little support compared to what we needed in these areas.
It seemed like some numbers were actually pre-assigned. Couldn't the list be published or the numbers sent out in a confirmation e-mail so the drivers know beforehand?
Short answer: NO
Long answer: Numbers are assigned when uploading into our timing software. Best case scenario is this occurs 9:00 pm the night before the event. Last event, I didn't get the upload complete until 1:15 am. It's not very useful to have a list published for 6 hours before the event, plus it creates LOADS of trouble for people making special number requests.
We're very lenient on how we allow the numbering of cars (shoe polish, painters tape, etc.) due to this.
NOTE: Once again, this can be changed, however, I need more volunteers to step to the plate to assist with the behind the scenes administration. I'm burning out; Everyone has additional demands but offer no volunteer support. Most events our size are planned by a large committee (10+), however, all the behind the scenes planning (basically everything) is completed by one person (me).
Perhaps a list of duties and a sign up sheet could help. A lot of people, including me, probably don't know all that goes into preparing for an event. My schedule is getting less hectic and I'd be able to donate a few hours a week. I know you've been busting your a$$ not only organizing and planning, but also promoting; something I haven't seen in the last couple years. You're doing a great job!
I would say, that on average, I spend 45-50 hours per week on the autocross program. No joke. Last week I would assume 60+ hours.
The problem is that I have a hard time finding dependable help - those that I can count on ALWAYS, that don't flake and get things done.
First thing first, I need a registrar. Someone to handle all registration inquires, manage the online database, edit the website, etc. That would be a great help.
Second, I three to four people to do nothing but promote non-stop. This would include attending other club events and get people interested in the program.
Third, I need someone to prepare all the event day documentation, coursemaps, etc.
Fourth, I need people to show up EARLY the day of the event. To design and set up courses. We ran 1 hr behind because of this at the last event.
Fifth, I need someone to actively develop the FAQ section.
That's why he's paid 100k a year. :tongue:
Seriously though, Jonathan, a list of duties and perhaps a brief written explanation of what's done would be helpful for those of us that want to help out. I'm more than available to help you, just need a little direction.
BTW: my cross-promotion brought out at least 2 in the rain for you....:biggrin:
I also need a worker chief and novice coordinator, both of which need to be experienced autocrossers who can commit to attending all eight events.
All said and done, I need 10 dedicated volunteers that can commit 5-10 hours per week.
You're funny ... real funny.
Seriously, I've already tasked you with one of the most important things - getting new participants! Keep it up :biggrin:.
If you'd like to help out more, I can give you access for the FAQ section, which needs developed as a resource for newcomers.
I hear you Jonathan. You put in amazing amount of time, making it work like it was a whole organization of people. I really want to help you out, but afraid of committing to something I can't do 100%. It seems like most of your work descriptions above demands quite a few hours, and I can only give you a few a week. I'm definitely willing to share some of the tasks if we could be a couple of people together on one task/operation. Like if me and Craig only got a few hours each, we might be able to put together one full position.
Jonathan - good, consistent help is definitely hard to find. hopefully others will step up and volunteer their time towards making this program even more successful.
i heard a lot of great comments about this past weekend, and read a few complaints. funny how those that have complaints or wanna offer advice, rarely offer their time to help.
hopefully people realize that this ENTIRE chapter is run by volunteers and its often a thankless position to run a program and/or serve on the board. hang in there, as getting burnt out will essentially mean that autox and this website's upkeep will deteriorate significantly.
i can speak for many on the board who recognize your initiative and hard work and only wish we had more people like you to help run this chapter
if you need my help to promote autox, just let me know.
I would love to get more involved but I'm not sure how I can help. I do attend some other club events (CDC, AI) and hope to make a few others. A list of things would help people determine what they can do to help. LMK.
Thanks to everyone who has contacted me. I'm trying to put together a game plan for this year and will be contacting everyone individually.
I appreciate all the support as many of our previous volunteers are MIA for this year.
Thanks again! You guys rock!
I'm happy to help a few hours a week as well. I'll contact you.
Thanks to all of you for making the first club event on the Washington a success despite the rain and the incomplete track. The can-do attitude of all of you is what made the day and I look forward BMW's future events on the Washington Circuit.
Here's what you can expect in future events:
1) Candy Cane Curbs. Starting next week, we're going to be installing apex style curbs similar to the curbs on all of the other circuits here.
2) Better Drainage. Since the Washington circuit is also used as a skid pad, it was designed flat in some areas so the water wouldn't run off however some construction errors created some low points and thus the pond effect you all saw. This will be corrected also starting next week.
3) Grass. After the curbing has been installed and the low points fixed, we will seed the whole area.
4) Some fixes. There were some paving mistakes in the paddock area that will be corrected.
Thanks NCC
Thanks Jonathan
Jens Scott
excellent news
This was my first autox and I am hooked! Just a question though, can I bring more than one car? If two people want to swap cars how is that done? Thanks, and the rain was a great equalizer.
I'm glad that you enjoyed your first autocross!
As far as bringing multiple cars, it's not a good idea. First, we need to know, for our timing software, what car you are bringing. Each participant is assigned to a car. For example, at event day check in when we assign you a number, that number corresponds with your car and you as a participant. All four (or however many we decide is doable) of your competition runs MUST be in the same vehicle. If you decide event day to change vehicles, that's fine, just please let us know when you are checking in! But remember, all four runs must be done in the same vehicle.
Fun runs are a different story (if we have time to do some). You'll see us "trading" cars continuously. There is a lot to be gained experience wise from driving a variety of different cars.
Jens, it's great to see Summit Point continue to add new circuits. I'm thankful to have such a nice facility within easy driving distance from DC. The first time I visited SP you took me for a few laps on the Shenandoah circuit and I've been hooked since. So I'd like to say thanks to you and the Summit Point staff. BTW, all the workers out there always seem extremely friendly and helpful.
I second the above. I happened to mention in the morning that it would be nice to have a trash can near the starting point and one of the SP guys near me called it in on the radio when he overheard us talking.
I had been to SP a couple times before for the first and second drift events. They were a blast. We went for ride alongs in the caprices. What a ride! You look at those cars and think, "whatever!". But the drivers were amazing.
Plus the car rolling event was hillarious!