Okay guys,

I think we did a good job at the last event with regard to making sure everything was getting done. Kevin / Raf feel free to comment. We were ahead of schedule for all of the day, by my periodic watch checks.

I did notice a couple things that we need to work on, however.

#1: We need people who are designated to work tech as well as having tech open at a specific time. I know I was trying to do a lot of things and tech got pushed to the back of my mind - until someone mentioned that there were cars lining up and nobody was working tech. ops: It seems to make sense that tech should be open during the previous heat's second half, and we need to remind the announcer to announce on the PA when tech is open. Second part of this is making sure someone is responsible for tech for each heat. I know Bogdan, Pete, and some other guys were working tech first heat but when second heat rolled around we had nobody ready to do it.

#2: We need to make sure the starter is checking that everyone has a tech sticker. A lot of people who come to our autocrosses are going to be first timers, and so a lot of them might not even know that they HAVE to go through tech. I don't think we dropped the ball here but let's just make sure the starter knows what they're doing.

I know I learned a lot at the last autocross. I think I'm starting to understand what is safe and what is not with regard to course layout. I got to do a little work with the computer while Pete was driving, so I know the basics of that. And doing the driver's meeting was fun even if I needed help from some of you to remember what we needed covered

John V